Walking with èStoria: magical atmospheres between the artists and the legends of the Collio
Friday 1 June, Sunday 3 June
Magical atmospheres between the artists and the legends of the Collio
Like the “plot of a song” we will follow the traces that the most important painters and artists of the territory have left in the “big frame” of hills that is the Collio, with its legends and its mysteries. We will reach the extreme north of Dolegna del Collio, in Mernico and Scriò along the path of the eccentric artist from Friuli Jacun Pitôr, we will explore in the life of the Friulian poet Pietro Zorutti in Lonzano Superiore, we will face the “demons of the four tempora” in Giassico in the footsteps of the benandanti visiting the church of Santo Stefano Protomartire, we will return on the steps of the medieval pilgrims to the Sanctuary of Preval, climb up to the church of the Blessed Vergine del Soccorso on Mount Quarin and the church of San Giorgio a Brazzano to enjoy the immense panorama between mountain and sea, colored by the lights of the sunset.
Morning 10 to 13
Departure: Cormons station
1st stop | Giassico: in the footsteps of the Benandanti, visit to the church of Santo Stefano Protomartire
2nd stop I Brazzano: the church of San Giorgio
3rd stop | tasting at Azienda Zorzon di Brazzano
4th stop | Monte Quarin: the church of the Beata Vergine del Soccorso
Afternoon from 15 to 18
Departure: Cormons station (15 )
1st stop | on the trail of Jacun Pitor: the church of Sant'Elena in Mernico
2nd stop | on the trail of Jacun Pitor: the church of San Leonardo a Scriò
3rd stop | on the traces of Pietro Zorutti: the church of San Giacomo in Lonzano Superiore
4th stop | on the trail of Pietro Zorutti: visit to Casale Zorutti
5th stop | tasting at the Caronesca Company - Lonzano