
Sunday 3 June
Morning 10 to 13
Departure: Cormons station
1st stop | Giassico: in the footsteps of the Benandanti, visit to the church of Santo Stefano Protomartire
2nd stop I Brazzano: the church of San Giorgio
3rd stop | tasting at Azienda Zorzon di Brazzano
4th stop | Monte Quarin: the church of the Beata Vergine del Soccorso

Afternoon from 15 to 18
Departure: Cormons station (15 )
1st stop | on the trail of Jacun Pitor: the church of Sant'Elena in Mernico
2nd stop | on the trail of Jacun Pitor: the church of San Leonardo a Scriò
3rd stop | on the traces of Pietro Zorutti: the church of San Giacomo in Lonzano Superiore
4th stop | on the trail of Pietro Zorutti: visit to Casale Zorutti
5th stop | tasting at the Caronesca Company - Lonzano
10€ (+ VAT)
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